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Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

The Way How I Can Get My First Love

It started on July 2009, when I was graduated from 2 Junior High School to 3 Junior High School. I found a girl in my church that I had known before. She made me falling in love in first sight. Her name was Mey. I had knew her since I was on 2 Junior High School, but I was rarely saw her at the church. Because she came to the church on the evening and I came on the morning. But, since I was graduated to 3 Junior High School, she always came to the church on the morning. So, I can saw her every Sunday at the church. We were playing music together at the church. Since I was falling in love with her, I always brought her name when I prayed to God. I asked to God, was she the best person that You gave to me? It was my prayed to God every day. I was approaching her for one year. Then, on 21st March 2010, God answered my prayed. On that day, I was telling all about my felt to her and the processed how I can got her. And she wanted to accept me as her boyfriend. At shorten time, we have been together for 9 months. I hoped it can be forever. Every problems we have been fell together. And I want to love her forever.

2 komentar:

  1. very interisting..
    hopefully always with mey.. :)

  2. thank you bella..
    i hope it can be happen.. :)
    if that can be happen..
    it must be the best thing in the world that i have.. :)
