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Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

Timun Mas

One day, there was lived an old lady that lived alone. Because her husband had been died. She didn’t have any child. So she found a way. She went to a Big Giant to make a wish. She wanted she had a child. The Big Giant fulfilled her wish. The Big Giant gave her a cucumber seed. The old lady was confused because she didn’t know what she must do with that seed. When she was at home, she tried to plant that seed. She gave a manure and water, so that seed can grow. The following day, she woke up and became surprised. She saw the seed had been grow up so fast, and there was a big cucumber. She take that cucumber and tried the opened it with a big knife. When she opened the cucumber, she became more surprised. Because she found a little baby inside the big cucumber. She took that baby and took cared liked her own child. She named Timun Mas.
For many years had been passed, Timun Mas had been grown up as a teenager. She always helped her mother. One day, while Timun Mas was inside the forest looking for a food. The Big Giant came to the Timun Mas’s house, to look for her mother to ask the promised. The old lady promised to The Big Giant, if she had a child, after her child grown up she will gave her child as a sacrifice. And The Big Giant deal with the promised. So now The Big Giant came back to asked the promised.
Her mother was know that, so she told her daughter to ran away and not forgot to gave her a stock thing to fought The Big Giant. When The Big Giant knew that, It ran to caught Timun Mas. But Timun Mas was smart. She used the stock that her mother gave. That was a magic thing.
Finally, she can escape from The Big Giant. Because she used the last stock to fought The Big Giant. It made The Big Giant felt into a big pool mud.

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