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Rabu, 12 Januari 2011

One Day with Someone Who I Love

On 1st January 2011, it was a new year. I was making a promised to my girlfriend, that I’ll come to her house. At home, I was preparing myself to go to my girlfriend house. At 09.45 I was already rode my motorbike to went there. I was so fast to got there, it because I already waited for this moment, and I was planning this since I was on Java. Her house was so far, but for me it wasn’t a big problem. I was already missed her, so I didn’t thinked how far was her home. After I arrived there, 3 dogs came on me and barked on me. But they stopped when I opened my helm, because they already knew me. She came and pulled my hand. She wanted me to came I, and this was the moment I liked it. I intimated with her. I was feel so happy, because it was the first day on New Year and I can had time together with someone who I loved. I’ll never forgot that moment.

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